Don’t Let Ineffective Marketing Stop Your Business From Succeeding

Wayne A. Cargill Agency is a pioneering marketing agency that seamlessly merges creativity, and functionality to redefine digital marketing excellence.

Digital Marketing

The act of digitally increasing public awareness of an organization’s products, services, and or political dogmas through market research, product selection, pricing, promotions, and distribution.

Canadian Geo-Specific Marketing

The entire process of market research, product selection, pricing, promotion, and distribution for one or more Canadian geographically specific locations as follows:

Victoria, Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, and Halifax, and target audiences.

Geo-Specific Marketing is crafting, and activation of promotional material designed for the sole purpose of exchanging currency in a specific geographical location. Geo-Specific Marketing uses a three tear pricing system, and showcases business offers highlighting the features, advantages, and benefits in order to draw interest for their clientele, and the general population in a geographically specific location.

7-Day Weather Ads

7-Day Weather Ads Start At $195.00 Per Month Plus Applicable Taxes

72-Hour Weather Ads

72-Hour Weather Ads Start At $146.00 Per Month Plus Applicable Taxes

Alpha Ads

Alpha Ads Start At $99.00 Per Month Plus Applicable Taxes Plus Applicable Taxes

Business Buzz Basic Ads

Business Buzz Basic Ads Start At $195.00 Per Month Plus Applicable Taxes

Business Buzz Featured Ad

Business Buzz Featured Ads Start At $348.00 Per Month Plus Applicable Taxes

Daily Weather Ads

Daily Weather Ads Start At $99.00 Per Month Plus Applicable Taxes

Horoscope Ads

Horoscope Ads Start At $248.00 Per Month Plus Applicable Taxes

Job Postings Ads

Job Postings Ads Start At $195.00 Per Month Plus Applicable Taxes

Logo Ads

Logo Ads Start At $33.00 Per Month Plus Applicable Taxes

(Pricing Does Not Include The Cost of Logo Design)

Ultra Ads

Ultra Ads Start At $66.00 Per Month Plus Applicable Taxes

Canadian Sea-To-Sea Marketing

The entire process of market research, product selection, pricing, promotion, and distribution for all eight Canadian geographically specific locations as follows:

Victoria, Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, and Halifax, and target audiences.

Sea-To-Sea Marketing is crafting, and implementation of promotional material designed for the sole purpose of exchanging currency in all eight specific geographical location. Sea-To-Sea Marketing uses a three tear pricing system, and showcases business offers highlighting the features, advantages, and benefits in order to draw interest for their clientele, and the general population in all eight geographically location.

7-Day Weather Ads

7-Day Weather Ads Start At $1,560.00 Per Month Plus Applicable Taxes

72-Hour Weather Ads

72-Hour Weather Ads Start At $1,168.00 Per Month Plus Applicable Taxes

Alpha Ads

Alpha Ads Start At $792.00 Per Month Plus Applicable Taxes Plus Applicable Taxes

Business Buzz Basic Ads

Business Buzz Basic Ads Start At $1,560.00 Per Month Plus Applicable Taxes

Business Buzz Featured Ad

Business Buzz Featured Ads Start At $2,784.00 Per Month Plus Applicable Taxes

Daily Weather Ads

Daily Weather Ads Start At $792.00 Per Month Plus Applicable Taxes

Horoscope Ads

Horoscope Ads Start At $1,984.00 Per Month Plus Applicable Taxes

Job Postings Ads

Job Postings Ads Start At $1,560.00 Per Month Plus Applicable Taxes

Logo Ads

Logo Ads Start At $264.00 Per Month Plus Applicable Taxes

(Pricing Does Not Include The Cost of Logo Design)

Ultra Ads

Ultra Ads Start At $528.00 Per Month Plus Applicable Taxes

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is the process of market research, account creation, promotion, and distribution of social media content copy-write, and social media promotional videos for accounts as follows:

LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X (Former Twitter) and more.

Social Media Account Design & Monthly Maintenance

Craft, and maintain one social media account. ie LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, X (Former Twitter) . We will acquire 30 to 50 new followers per week either from the geo-specific location of your choosing, or that work in the Geo-Specific location of your choosing.

Craft, and Maintain One Social Media Account Starting at 198.00 Per Month Per Social Media Account. (All Applicable Taxes Are Extra)

Social Media Content Copy-write

Craft tantalizing copy-write material designed to engage readers, and attract new followers.

Craft one posts per month with visuals, stating different features, advantages, and benefits of your business, product, service, or political dogma.

Social Media Content Copy-write Start At $176.00 Per Post Plus Applicable Taxes

Social Media Promotional Videos

Craft One 5 Sec – 10 Sec Video, and Post on Our YouTube Channel, and on Your Social Media Accounts.

Each New and Unique Video Between $375.00 to $750.00 Per Video Plus Applicable Taxes

Website Developmental Marketing

Website Developmental Marketing is the entire process from crafting the perfect domain name, domain registration, annual hosting packages, conceptual designing, e-commerce, content copy-writing, search engine optimization, to monthly maintenance after the initial website build for a complete digital platform specifically for showcasing your business, products, services, or political dogmas.

Crafting Website Domain Name

Crafting The Perfect Domain Name Starting As Low As $1,256.00 CAD Plus Applicable Taxes Per Each Newly Created Unique Domain Name Specific To Your Needs

Website Domain Registration or Transfer

Website Domain Registry or Domain Name Transfer Starting As Low As $19.98 CAD (Without e-Commerce) Plus Applicable Taxes Per Domain Registered Or Transferred.

(Pricing Does Not Include The Cost of Crafting A Unique Domain Name Specific To Your Needs)

Annual Hosting Packages

Annual Hosting Packages With e-Commerce Start As Low As 198.00 Per Year Per Website Plus Applicable Taxes.

Website Content Copy-write

Website content copy-writing flat rate of $188.00 CAD per page with a maximum of 500 words per page. Plus all applicable taxes

Website Search Engine Optimization (S.E.0.)

Website Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O.) includes setting up analytics, researching key words, monitor the website rankings in the search engines, and improve the website ranking in the search engines.

S.E.O. Starts At A Flat Rate of $198.00 CAD per page with a maximum of 500 words per page. Plus applicable taxes. (Pricing does not include crafting website content copy-write.)


Craft a seamless e-Commerce shopping experience for your end users. e-Commerce Starts As Low As $88.00 Per Product, or Service with a maximum of 100 characters used for description.

Utmost Geo-Specific Website Design Package

Craft up to a 10 page website (Without e-Commerce) with a maximum of 500 words per page. Each page will contain content copy-writing, and S.E.O. The website would be designed to target one Canadian Geo-Specific City.

Utmost Website Design Start at $3,731.46 CAD plus applicable taxes.

Each additional page with a maximum of 500 words will be $370.56 per page plus applicable taxes.

The price does not include the month maintenance fee.

Omega Sea-To-Sea Website Design Package

Craft up to a 50 page website with up to 35 e-Commerce products or services. The first 15 pages will contain copy-write content creation up to 500 words per page. The remaining 35 web pages will be for e-Commerce with one product, or service per page with 100 character description, and one image. All 50 pages will be Search Engine Optimized targeting eight Canadian cities.

Omega 50 Page Canadian Sea-To-Sea Website Design with up to 40 e-Commerce products or services Start At $15,979.81 CAD plus applicable taxes. S.E.O. Targeting Sea-To-Sea eight Canadian cities.

Each additional page will be $438.45 plus applicable taxes, and will contain no more than 500 words per page of content

Each extra e-Commerce product, or services will be an additional $82.15 with no more than 100 characters, and one image.

Each additional city S.E.O. targeted is $3,080.00 plus applicable taxes

The price does not include the month maintenance fee.

Planetary Geo-Unlimited Website Design Package

Craft up to a 100 page website with up to 80 e-Commerce products or services. The first 20 pages will contain copy-write content creation up to 500 words per page. The remaining 80 web pages will be for e-Commerce with one product, or service per page with 100 character description, and one image. All 100 pages will be Search Engine Optimized targeting eight Canadian cities, 10 of the largest American cities, and six cities in Australian. Or S.E.O. targeting eight Canadian cities, and up to 10 cities in two other countries of your choosing.

Planetary Global Geo-Unlimited Website Design Package Starts At $27,543.06. Pricing Does NOT include monthly maintenance fees, or applicable taxes. S.E.O. Targeting up to 24 cities in three countries.

Each additional page of content up to 500 words is $426.65 plus applicable taxes

Each additional product, or service is $79.21 CAD plus applicable taxes

Each additional city S.E.O. targeted is $6,336,71 CAD plus applicable taxes

The price does not include the month maintenance fee.

Monthly Maintenance Package Without e-Commerce

Monthly maintenance without any e-Commerce starts as low as $347.40 CAD per page per month plus applicable taxes.

Monthly Maintenance Package With e-Commerce

Monthly maintenance with e-Commerce starts as low as $402.90 CAD per page per month plus applicable taxes.

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Wayne A. Cargill Agency Divisional Pricing